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Piano Move Aftercare

Piano Move Aftercare

Depending on how much your piano went through during your move, will determine the lengths as to which you need to clean it.

Dust is the usual culprit after a move that plagues your piano.

A feather duster is the best solution to help eliminate all of the surface dust that has settled onto the piano. Especially for the keys, it is important to dust lightly so they don’t get scratched.

Even long after your move, it’s also a good practice to try to clean your piano regularly to help prevent dust build up.

Now that you have cleaned up the surface level dirt and grime on the piano, you can determine how much in-depth cleaning you need to do for the rest of the piano. It is not always necessary to treat the wood and polish your piano. You will have to be the judge deciding whether it needs it or not!

If you do polish your piano, you never want to apply the polish directly to the surface of your piano. You will want to use a gentle white cloth, so no color can be transferred. You preferably want to use a lint-free one, so no residue is left on the piano!

The best way to keep your piano in great working condition and keep its appearance at its peak is preventative care. Here are some more quick tips for piano upkeep:

Wash Your Hands

Every time before you play the piano or handle it in any way, you should wash your hands thoroughly. That way any dirt or oil that is on your fingers will be washed away and help keep the piano clean during play.

Limit Sun Exposure

Keep your piano out of exposure to the sun to lengthen the life of your piano finish.


Make sure your piano is stored in a climate-controlled room. Temperature will have a huge impact on its overall condition, as changes in humidity and temperature can affect internal piano functions such as tuning.

Avoid Scratches

Never set objects like frames on the piano that can scratch up the surface.

Avoid Spills & Rings

Setting a beverage on your piano can be a dangerous risk! One false move and you could have a sticky situation on your hands that can severely affect your piano function. Even without a spill, setting drinks down on your piano can leave watermarks and rings on your piano finish.

Close the Lid

To protect your keys, always keep the lid closed if you aren’t currently playing.

All of these daily piano finish care tips can help keep your piano clean and functioning at its best for the long run.

Moving is the perfect excuse to get your piano a checkup. You can have a professional come out and tune it and you can even have a professional come out and clean it! For the most part, a piano can be cleaned quite easily on your own and the preventive steps explained above will make that even easier.


If you were moving from a home with wood floors, then you may already be aware of wood caster cups with felted bottoms, for the protection of the floor. If not, and you are moving into a new home with wood floors here is our suggestion. Wood caster cups designed specifically for the piano and they do come in some different sizes if necessary. They can, and we suggest also be used for rugs. Metal casters and hardwood floors don’t work well together when the piano is rolled, or if the wood is soft, dents may occur even if the piano never moves. On carpet, small deep dents are the result of the piano sitting in one place for an extended period of time. Dents will still occur when caster cups are used but the dents will be shallow, and you may be able to fluff or rake the carpet smooth.