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The Piano and its History

The story of the piano begins in Padua, Italy in 1709, in the shop of a harpsichord maker named Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori (1655-1731). Many other stringed and keyboard instruments preceded the piano and led to the development of the instrument as we know it today. Mankind’s knowledge that a taut, vibrating string can produce… Continue reading The Piano and its History

Science and the Piano Builder

Out near Laguardia Airport, in Queens, NYC, is the Steinway piano factory. It smells like sawdust and lacquer. Some 1,500 pianos leave this factory every year. And Wally Boot plays every single one. “I’ve been here for 52 years,” he says. “And I love every minute of it. I’m tone inspector. I’m the last one… Continue reading Science and the Piano Builder

Is It All About the Melody

Part 1: When melody, harmony and rhythm interact in a meaningful way, it is powerful and magical. It can ignite emotion and provoke thought. When all of those together, interact with lyrics in a meaningful way, it can help shape the way people view the world and their perception of their own lives. Such meaningful… Continue reading Is It All About the Melody

Keeping with The Melody

Part II Mass media Until not so long ago, music was something only played live by musicians in front of audiences. With the appearance of audio recording technology, the concept of the recording artist was born. Suddenly it was no longer just about the live performance, but rather about content that can be distributed globally,… Continue reading Keeping with The Melody